Dr. Beeke Muhlack



Muhlack, B. (2024). Filler particles: Phonetic details, cross-linguistic comparisons, and the recall effect. Universität des Saarlandes. https://doi.org/10.22028/D291-42474

Journal papers

Pheiff, J., Frank, M., and Muhlack, B. (2023). Das sind sone Sachen: Son- mit Pluralnomen in den Regionalsprachen des Deutschen. Formen & Funktionen, Variation & Wandel. Niederdeutsches Wort 63, 63–87.

Muhlack, B., Trouvain, J., and Jessen, M. (2023). Distributional and Acoustic Characteristics of Filler Particles in German with Consideration of Forensic-Phonetic Aspects. Languages 8(2), 100. https://doi.org/10.3390/languages8020100

Frank, M., Muhlack, B., Zebe, F., and Scharinger, M. (2020). Contributions of pitch and spectral information to cortical vowel categorization. Journal of Phonetics (79). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wocn.2020.100963

Proceedings papers

Muhlack, B. (2023). Filler particles in English and Spanish L1 and L2 speech. Proc. 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS ‘23), Prague, August 7-11. PDF

Werner, R., Trouvain, J., Muhlack, B., and Möbius, B. (2022). Perceptual Categorization of Breath Noises in Speech Pauses. Proc. 33rd Conference Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung (ESSV ‘22), Sønderborg, March 2-4, pp. 139-146. PDF

Muhlack, B., Elmers, M., Drenhaus, H., Trouvain, J., Van Os, M., Werner, R., Ryzhova, M., and Möbius, B. (2021). Revisiting recall effects of filler particles in German and English. Interspeech 2021, Brno. Aug 30 - Sept 03. https://doi.org/10.21437/Interspeech.2021-1056 Stimuli for Exp1

Elmers, M., Werner, R., Muhlack, B., Möbius, B., and Trouvain, J. (2021). Take a breath: Respiratory sounds improve recollection in synthetic speech. Interspeech 2021, Brno. Aug 30 - Sept 03. PDF

Elmers, M., Werner, R., Muhlack, B., Möbius, B., and Trouvain, J. (2021). Evaluating the effect of pauses on number recollection in synthesized speech. Proc. 32nd Conference Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung (ESSV ‘21), Berlin, March 3-5, pp. 59-66. PDF

Muhlack, B. (2020). L1 and L2 Production of Non-Lexical Hesitation Particles of German and English Native Speakers. Proceedings of the Workshop for Laughter and Other Non-Verbal Vocalisations 2020, Bielefeld. Oct 05. PDF


Muhlack, B. (2024). Filler particles in English and Spanish and the implications for other languages. Forensic Speech Science Colloquium York, May 22. Invited talk.

Muhlack, B. (2024). Filler particles in English and Spanish L1 and L2 Speech (and beyond). Phonology Colloquium Frankfurt, May 08. Invited talk.

Muhlack, B. (2024). Filler particles in Bulgarian Judeo-Spanish. Phonetics Colloquium Saarbrücken, February 01.

Muhlack, B. (2023). Filler particles in English and Spanish L1 and L2 Speech. PhD Day of SFB 1102, February 09.

Muhlack, B. (2023). Filler particles in English and Spanish L1 and L2 Speech. Phonetics Colloquium Saarbrücken, January 11.

Muhlack, B. (2022). Acoustic characteristics of filler particles in German – preliminary results. Phonetics Colloquium Saarbrücken, May 04.

Muhlack, B. and Trouvain, J. (2021). Annotationsschema für Häsitationspartikeln im phonetischen Kontext. Phonetik und Phonologie im deutschsprachigen Raum (P&P), Frankfurt/Online. September 29.

Muhlack, B. (2021). “Uh/Uhm”: Conflicting Recall Effects of Filler Particles in German and English. Conference for Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLaP) Paris, September 04.

Muhlack, B. (2021). Revisiting recall effects of filler particles in German and English. Phonetics Colloquium Saarbrücken, June 02.

Muhlack, B. and Frank, M. (2019) “Der Wenker hat sone Sätze erstellt.” Zur Verteilung von sone und solche vor pluralischen Bezugsnomen. 9. Kolloquium Forum Sprachvariation der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Dialektologie des Deutschen (IGDD) und 8. Nachwuchskolloquium des Vereins für niederdeutsche Sprachforschung (VndS), Vechta.

Muhlack, B. (2019). Workshop: Eine Anleitung zum Lesen von Spektrogrammen. 65. Studentische Tagung für Sprachwissenschaft, Köln. Study project.

Muhlack, B. (2018). Sprechererkennung bekannter Sprecher anhand geflüsterter Sprache. 63. Studentische Tagung für Sprachwissenschaft, Kiel. Study project.


Muhlack, B. (2024). Learning by doing: Recording a speech corpus as seminar project. 20th Phonetik & Phonologie (P&P ‘24), Halle (Saale), October 01-02. Poster

Muhlack, B. (2023). Filler particles in English and Spanish L1 and L2 Speech. Proc. 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS ‘23), Prague, August 7-11. Poster

Muhlack, B. and Ibrahim, O. (2023). Filler particles and pausing behaviour in Egyptian Arabic. 31. Conference of the International Association for Forensic Phonetics and Acoustics (IAFPA), Zurich. Poster

Muhlack, B., Trouvain, J., and Jessen, M. (2022). Acoustic characteristics of filler particles in German (2.0). 18th Phonetik & Phonologie (P&P ‘22), Bielefeld, October 06-07. Poster

Muhlack, B., Trouvain, J., and Jessen, M. (2022). Acoustic characteristics of filler particles in German. 30. Conference of the International Association for Forensic Phonetics and Acoustics (IAFPA), Prague. Poster

Pheiff, J., Frank, M., and Muhlack, B. (2022). Sone mit Pluralnomen in den Regionalsprachen des Deutschen. Formen & Funktionen, Variation & Wandel. 7. Kongress der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Dialektologie des Deutschen (IGDD), Salzburg. July 06-08. Poster

Muhlack, B. (2022). Do filler particles facilitate the recall of lists? Winter School 2022: Coping with the complexity in speech production and perception, Chorin. July 04 - 09. Poster

Muhlack, B., Elmers, M., Drenhaus, H., Trouvain, J., Van Os, M., Werner, R., Ryzhova, M., and Möbius, B. (2021). Revisiting recall effects of filler particles in German and English. Interspeech 2021, Brno. Aug 30 - Sept 03. Poster

Muhlack, B. (2020). L1 and L2 Production of Non-Lexical Hesitation Particles of German and English Native Speakers. Workshop for Laughter and Other Non-Verbal Vocalisations 2020, Bielefeld. Oct 05. Poster

Muhlack, B. (2020). The vowel quality of non-lexical hesitation particles in German and English L1 and L2 speech. Poster presentation, 16th Phonetik & Phonologie (P&P ‘20), Trier, September 10-11. Poster

Elmers, M., Muhlack, B., Werner, R., Trouvain, J., and Möbius, B. (2020). Pause-internal phonetic particles in speech communication. Poster presentation, 16th Phonetik & Phonologie (P&P ‘20), Trier, September 10-11. Poster

Frank, M., Muhlack, B., Zebe, F., and Scharinger, M. (2019). Pitch, Formants, and Formant Differences are Decisive Factors in Vowel Processing – Electrophysiological Evidence from N1 Amplitude and Latency Analyses. 15. Phonetik und Phonologie im deutschsprachigen Raum (P&P), Düsseldorf. Poster

Frank, M., Muhlack, B., Zebe, F., and Scharinger, M. (2019). Pitch, Formants, and Formant Differences are Decisive Factors in Vowel Processing – Electrophysiological Evidence from N1 Amplitude and Latency Analyses. 11. Annual Meeting of the Society for the Neurobiology of Language (SNL), Helsinki. Poster

Muhlack, B. (2019). “Wo kommt der denn her?” Ermittlung der Herkunft eines unbekannten Sprechers anhand einer dialektalen Sprachaufnahme. Forensic Linguistics Short Course, Cologne. Study project. Poster

Muhlack, B. and de Jong-Lendle, G. (2018). Foreign Accents in German: Romanian. 27. Conference of the International Association for Forensic Phonetics and Acoustics (IAFPA), Huddersfield. Study project. Poster


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